Tuesday, November 3, 2009

100 Photos Project--image #2 and #3

Nearly thirty years ago my in-laws lived in this apartment building close to downtown Salt Lake City, UT. Back then, their balcony overlooked a dreadful parking lot. Now, as parking lots go, it was fine. It's just that it was a parking lot--black, hot in the summer, flat and snowy in the winter. It wasn't much to look at.

Then, around ten years ago, or so, the Mormon Church converted that parking lot into a beautiful park, City Creek Park. I don't remember if they donated the property to Salt Lake City or if they held on to it. Either way, the results are spectacular. One evening my wife, son, and I spent an evening in the area. I found the new park very appealing. It is a very welcome change of pace from the bustle of a busy downtown area.

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