Thursday, October 16, 2008

Old Fart Strikes Again: Film At Eleven

I'm a sucker for NPR's music reviews, especially the ones on Week End Edition, Saturday (WEESAT for you NPR aficionados). Let's see now. How many albums have I purchased because I listened to one of those review/interview segments? Well, there was Mystery Box by Mickey Hart; Now The Day Is Over from the Innocence Mission; I actually purchased Colbie Caillat's Coco because of an interview--so, so stuff; once someone reviewed the i am sam soundtrack, which I bought and then watched the movie; Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach collaborated on Painted From Memory; there was Joss Stone promoting her Mind, Body, & Soul albumand there were others.

My most recent listen-then-buy cycle involved Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, who goes by her given name ADELE. She sounded like an older woman with a very strong South London accent. Well, she's barely 20, and her recent album, 19, refers to her age when she made it. As I listened to a second NPR interview on a program later that day (found here) , I envisioned an older woman with blonde hair and a lanky physique. Well, here's the reality. Give her a listen. I think she's great. (This isn't her best video on YouTube, but it was one I could get to embed. I suggest you go to YouTube and do a search for ADELE and noodle around. Good stuff.)

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