Thursday, October 16, 2008

Old Fart Strikes Again: Film At Eleven

I'm a sucker for NPR's music reviews, especially the ones on Week End Edition, Saturday (WEESAT for you NPR aficionados). Let's see now. How many albums have I purchased because I listened to one of those review/interview segments? Well, there was Mystery Box by Mickey Hart; Now The Day Is Over from the Innocence Mission; I actually purchased Colbie Caillat's Coco because of an interview--so, so stuff; once someone reviewed the i am sam soundtrack, which I bought and then watched the movie; Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach collaborated on Painted From Memory; there was Joss Stone promoting her Mind, Body, & Soul albumand there were others.

My most recent listen-then-buy cycle involved Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, who goes by her given name ADELE. She sounded like an older woman with a very strong South London accent. Well, she's barely 20, and her recent album, 19, refers to her age when she made it. As I listened to a second NPR interview on a program later that day (found here) , I envisioned an older woman with blonde hair and a lanky physique. Well, here's the reality. Give her a listen. I think she's great. (This isn't her best video on YouTube, but it was one I could get to embed. I suggest you go to YouTube and do a search for ADELE and noodle around. Good stuff.)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Warning! Plug Your Ears And Avert Your Eyes

You've gotta be kidding! Listen to Katie Couric's question at 1:01 and Governor Palin's "answer." 

A heartbeat away from the presidency?  Yeah, right. 

My befuddlement has nothing to do with her stand on Roe v. Wade--it has to do with her utter befuddlement regarding issues surrounding the Constitution of the United States. 

In response to Couric's question about other Supreme Court decisions besides Roe v. Wade she disagreed with, maybe Governor Palin should have bought some time by saying, "I'll try to find ya' some and bring 'em to ya."  (A direct quote from the Katie Couric interview when she responded to Couric's request for some specific examples of  times when McCain pushed for more government regulation during his 26 years in the Senate.)

You tell me, is she even speaking English here?

Oh, I know. Palin is once again victimized by that pesky "gotcha journalism." That Katie Couric. She's a real shark in the water when it comes to pouncing on candidates for national office. How could Palin have seen that sneaky question coming? Boy, we've got to do something about those unscrupulous journalists.

And all this reminds me . . . Haven't we seen this kind of melt-down response to a straight forward question before?